emilie autmn is my latest obsession, her unique make up, out there fashion, totally amazing music and poetry. she is truly amaizing. heres a bit about her life. (information from wikipedia Emilie Autumn )
she was born on September 22, 1979 in Malibu, California. At the age of four, Autumn commenced her training on the violin. Six years later, she enrolled at the Colburn School of Performing Arts where she began to experiment with improvisational playing, inspired by the renowned violinist Nigel Kennedy. She later left the school due to harassment.
At fifteen, Autumn won a place at the prestigious Indiana University School of Music in Bloomington Indiana but left after two years due to clashes with university authorities over her unorthodox musical and clothing tastes. By then Autumn already sported the brightly-colored long hair (beginning with purple at age seventeen; it was not until later that her hair became the flamboyant pink and red colours for which she is well known), corsets and combat boots.
in 2003 she was discovered by former Hole frontwoman Courtney Love. she then toured with Love as part of the all-female band The Chelsea.
she now has her own punktorian (punk & victorian) fashion label, called willowtech house, from which she sells, clothing that bears the company's logo, the perfume scent "Mistress", along with accessories and fairy wings, both of which are handmade by Autumn herself. willowtech house is co-owned by fLee queen of tarts (Lee Ann Helmer). emilie and lee ann are both designers for the company and when emilie isnt in the studio or on tour she is designing for her own punktorian fashion and fragrance line mistress. where she mixes the the torn clothing and safety pins with the long victorian gowns. like the picture below
emilie autumn is an incredibly talented musician who plays many different instraments, amasingly. she has mastered Vocals, Violin, Harpsichord, Piano, Viola, Viola da gamba and Guitar.Emilie travels with her backing band, The Bloddy CRumpets. (i recently learned what a bloody crumpet is, and EWWWW!!) seen below
emilie has many genres and masters them all. from 'i want my innocence back' to 'how strange' from got to pop. everything she does is just amasing. and for that i idolise her.
here is a link to my video my and my friend lizzy made about her for english homework. Getting To Know Emilie Autumn.
thanks for reading
xox, Shannon
she was born on September 22, 1979 in Malibu, California. At the age of four, Autumn commenced her training on the violin. Six years later, she enrolled at the Colburn School of Performing Arts where she began to experiment with improvisational playing, inspired by the renowned violinist Nigel Kennedy. She later left the school due to harassment.
At fifteen, Autumn won a place at the prestigious Indiana University School of Music in Bloomington Indiana but left after two years due to clashes with university authorities over her unorthodox musical and clothing tastes. By then Autumn already sported the brightly-colored long hair (beginning with purple at age seventeen; it was not until later that her hair became the flamboyant pink and red colours for which she is well known), corsets and combat boots.
in 2003 she was discovered by former Hole frontwoman Courtney Love. she then toured with Love as part of the all-female band The Chelsea.
she now has her own punktorian (punk & victorian) fashion label, called willowtech house, from which she sells, clothing that bears the company's logo, the perfume scent "Mistress", along with accessories and fairy wings, both of which are handmade by Autumn herself. willowtech house is co-owned by fLee queen of tarts (Lee Ann Helmer). emilie and lee ann are both designers for the company and when emilie isnt in the studio or on tour she is designing for her own punktorian fashion and fragrance line mistress. where she mixes the the torn clothing and safety pins with the long victorian gowns. like the picture below

here is a link to my video my and my friend lizzy made about her for english homework. Getting To Know Emilie Autumn.
thanks for reading
xox, Shannon